?May It Be Done To Me According To Your Word?

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, we all experience dry spells in our prayer lives. Our prayer can suffer because we are just too sick, too tired, too preoccupied with work or family, or any number of reasons. During these times, there is one prayer that we can always say. Even though we may not be able to put a coherent thought together, we can imitate Our Blessed Mother when she said to the Angel Gabriel, ?May it be done to me according to your word? (Lk 1:38)

When we repeat these simple words, we place our lives in God?s hands and affirm that we trust in His Will. Whether He needs us to be unemployed, lonely, a cancer patient, depressed about the death of a close friend or relative? we trust that it is His will for us at this point in time. We may not understand it, but neither did Mary. She simply trusted and we can do the same. So if you feel like you?re unable to pray for any reason, simply try repeating Mary?s words and you?ll be saying all you need.

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