If God Truly Is Almighty, Why Do We Worry?


Catholic speaker and author Gary Zimak with a secret that will help you to stop worrying

I Believe In God, the Father Almighty…

The first few words of the Apostles Creed are very familiar, aren’t they? We pray them at least once each week and many of us pray them every day. Let’s think about something for a minute. If we TRULY believe that God is almighty, that means nothing is impossible for Him, correct? If that is the case, why do we worry about what may or may not happen in our lives today? Could it be that we really don’t believe the words that we pray?

The next time you’re tempted to worry, repeat the first line of the Apostles Creed instead. If you still find yourself struggling, ask God to increase your trust in Him. Before you know it, your problems will seem a lot less frightening. Give it a try and see what happens. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Click here to order my new book From Fear To Faith: A Worrier’s Guide To Discovering Peace!

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