New Years Resolutions ? Catholic Style

?Time passes and does not return. God has assigned for each of us a definite time in which to fulfill His divine plan for our soul; we have only this time and shall have no more. Time ill spent is lost forever.? (Divine Intimacy, Fr Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen)

The above quote from one of my favorite spiritual books provides a good source for meditation on this New Year?s Eve. As we look back over the past year, it is good to reflect on how we spent our time. Are there things we could have done to get closer to God? Could we have put our time to better use? For just about all of us, the answer to both of these questions is ?yes?. Rather than panic, the best thing to do is make a resolution to improve in the upcoming year. Here are a few suggestions:

Get up a few minutes earlier and say some extra prayers.

In addition to Sunday, try attending one daily Mass per week.
If it?s been a while, try returning to the Sacrament of Confession.

Spend ten minutes a day reading the Bible or the daily Mass readings.
Pray the rosary.

Volunteer for something in your parish.

I would recommend that you don?t take on too much in the upcoming year, instead concentrating on one or two activities that will bring you closer to the Lord. This will improve your chances for success. You can always add more as the year progresses. What is important is that we try to make good use of the gift of each day that is given to us by the Lord.

Wishing you all a Blessed New Year and don?t forget that tomorrow (January 1) is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and is a holy day of obligation. Be sure to attend Mass and ask Our Lady to help you become closer to Christ in 2010!
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