Remembering The Joy Of Easter

Two days ago, we celebrated the Resurrection of The Lord. By His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to live with Him forever in Heaven. Prior to that miraculous event 2000 years ago, the possibility did not exist. What could possibly rob of us of the joy that goes along with spending eternity with God?

How about financial worries, death in the family, loneliness, marital difficulties, problems with our children, fear of the unknown, unemployment, ill health, bad weather, boredom and any number of things that will all end someday.

While I?m as guilty of this as everyone else, why don?t we all try to maintain our Easter joy for the entire year?or at least through the remainder of the Easter Season?ok, how about for a few more days!

No matter how painful, all suffering in this life will come to an end? Eternal happiness in Heaven will not ? Alleluia!

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