Some Good Advice From A Saint

“Take courage and begin the work of your salvation on the path where God places you. Submit yourself entirely to the will of God and keep far from you the suggestion – which is certainly not God’s but the enemy’s suggestion – that you …could serve God better in a different state.” (St. Padre Pio)

St. Padre Pio?s feast day was yesterday and many bloggers were instructing us to ?Pray, Hope and Don?t Worry?, but I felt it worthwhile to check in (a little late) with another quote from this great saint. Many of us struggle daily to discover God?s will for our lives, often rejecting the very events and individuals that are a part of that will. God has given each of us a path to sainthood. That path is different for a married person than for a single person. It is different for a garbage collector than for an executive. However, all paths involve doing the will of God at the present moment. This means performing our ordinary duties to the best of our ability. Mothers can perform the will of God by caring for their children, accountants do it by balancing the books, priests do it by saying Mass, etc. Sometimes we are called to discern a deeper vocation, but for the most part our state in life (married,religious, single) remains the same.

So today, take a moment to thank God for the people and situations that He has placed in your life. At this moment in time, they are your path to sainthood. By serving them and performing your daily duties to the best of your ability, you can be reasonably certain that you are doing God?s will and proceeding on the road to eternal happiness in Heaven.

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