The Greatest Love Story Of All Time

“Pause before the tabernacle by yourself, for no special reason, even without saying a thing, simply remaining in His presence, contemplating the supreme gestures of love contained in the consecrated Bread.” (Blessed Pope John Paul II – April, 1995)

On the eve of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, it would be wise for us to spend a few minutes meditating upon the mystery of Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist.? When you enter the Church and see the tabernacle, think about the birth, death and resurrection of the Lord. ?Jesus became man, suffered and died out of love for you.

As you genuflect before the tabernacle, think about that love.? It’s a love that we too often forget.? Then, when it’s time to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, pause for a minute.? As the priest raises the little white host and says, “The Body of Christ”, remember the words of the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen:

“The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white host.”

Thank you, Jesus…I love you too!

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