The Solemnity of Christ The King

Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King, a day when we contemplate Jesus in all of His glory, as King of the Universe. It is also a time to anticipate His second coming, at which time the world as we know it will end and He will present His glorified kingdom to The Father (1 Cor 15:9-10). In his encyclical Quas Primas (12/11/25), Pope Pius XI wrote, ?This feast was a special remembrance to modern man who seems somewhat indifferent to his supernatural destiny.? When we think about the ?end ?, are we prepared to accept our judgment from a loving, but just God? Are we doing our part now to advance the Kingdom on earth?

As it exists today, Christ?s Kingdom is not what we would traditionally expect. He reigns as a humble king, making His Body and Blood present to us under the appearance of ordinary bread and wine. Instead of coming to earth in glory and majesty, Jesus came as a servant. It is this spirit of service to others that we are called to imitate. In his book In Conversation With God, author Francis Fernandez states ?His throne was a manger in Bethlehem and a cross on Calvary.?

If Christ is indeed our King, does he reign in our mind, our heart and our will? Are we ready to advance His Kingdom by reaching out to others? Are we willing to stand up for our Catholic Faith when it is criticized? Do we put God first in our lives? Do we give alms to those less fortunate, either monetarily or by the gift of our time?

Next week, we?ll discuss the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. It will help us to reflect on our readiness for the final judgment as we wrap up the last few days of the liturgical year.

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